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Amazon Driver Attacked by 2 Dogs

Dog bite in Tampa

Delivery drivers face dangers on their routes every day. One of the most common ones is mean dogs. Dogs are known to attack postal workers and delivery drivers. Dog bites are a type of premises liability issue that often results in serious injuries.

A Florida woman can attest to this fact. The 56-year-old Amazon delivery driver was recently attacked by two dogs after making a delivery in Jacksonville.

On the evening ofJuly 21, the woman, who had just started her job with Amazon in April, had delivered a package to a residence on Lourdes Drive South. When she dropped off the package, the homeowner opened the door. Two Rottweilers came out and attacked the woman. She tried to run from them, but she was mauled.

A woman at the home pulled the dogs off the delivery driver. The driver then went to her truck and called for help. She suffered bite marks on both arms and hands, as well as her thighs. The bite on the arm was so severe that it exposed flesh.

First responders did little to help. They gave the woman a tetanus shot and dressed the wound. They then recommended that she ask a family member to take her to the hospital. She had two deliveries left that day, but she never got around to them.

The woman is currently recuperating at home. She is still in a lot of pain. In the meantime, Amazon has cut off deliveries to that neighborhood. The woman plans to meet with an appointment soon to see what her options are for suing the property owner. There were no warning signs about the dogs on the property. Had she been warned, she would not have stopped at the house and she could have avoided this mess.

Common Dog Bite Injuries

Don’t be fooled by the common saying “man’s best friend.” When provoked, dogs can cause a variety of injuries.

When a dog attacks a person, it can lead to physical wounds such as punctures, tissue damage and scarring. A person bit in the face or neck can suffer disfigurement. They can also suffer broken bones, nerve damage and injuries to the eyes. A victim can also suffer serious infections and even contract rabies.

The emotional effects can be especially devastating. If they suffered scarring or disfigurement, they may suffer from self-esteem issues. A victim of a dog attack may develop a fear of dogs. They may relive the attack over and over, which can cause them to suffer anxiety. They may be afraid to go outside. They may even develop post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Get Legal Help for Your Florida Personal Injury Case

Dog bites can be serious in nature, causing scarring, disfigurement, nerve damage and even death. If you or a loved one has been injured in an attack, contact a lawyer to understand your options.

The Tampa premises liability lawyers at Pawlowski//Mastrilli Law Group can help you file a case and obtain compensation for your damages. For a free consultation, fill out the online form or call 813-242-4404.


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