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Tampa LGBTQ Same Sex Divorce Lawyer

Though the legality of same sex marriage is still in its infancy, many brave pioneers of the movement are enjoying a beautiful life in holy matrimony. But because this type of union is relatively new, judges in our legal system have very little precedent or guidance on how to rule in same sex divorce cases. Needless to say, the statutes were constructed to benefit the union of a man and a woman. As a result, same sex couples are faced with a unique set of circumstances when seeking a divorce. For example, an article on CNBC pointed out that parental rights with same sex couples are vague and need to be more specific.

Fortunately, our firm is one of the few that can help answer any of your questions. Due to the fact that divorce in the LGBTQ community will present so many challenges, you will want a Tampa LGBTQ same sex divorce lawyer who has experience in same sex divorce.

The Divorce Rate in the LGBTQ Community is the Only Thing Equal

At the end of the day, people are people. One’s sexual orientation, race, or gender does not make him or her better than anyone else. And since people are people, the divorce rate among same sex couples is trending at comparable rates with heterosexuals.

In 2011, a study was conducted for states that had available data reported on the dissolution rates of same sex couples. At the time, the study indicated the rates were slightly lower than heterosexual couples. However, it was found there was an error capturing the information at the beginning of study, so corrected figures found that the divorce rate was the same. As time progresses, more accurate statistics will become available.

In the state of Florida, there are residency requirements that must be met in order to get a divorce. One of the spouses must have lived in the state for at least six months. The party who wants the divorce must file in the county where either or both parties reside. It must be proven that the relationship is irreversibly broken or one of the spouses is incapacitated mentally.

The process can be complicated. You deserve to be treated impartially in the unfortunate event of a divorce. Our firm has considerable experience dealing with such matters and is eager to help.

Fair and Equitable LGBTQ Same Sex Divorce in Tampa

The full scope of challenges facing same sex couple seeking divorce is yet to be seen. The increase of marriage in the LGBTQ community will be met by the inevitable rise of divorce rates. An experienced LGBTQ divorce lawyer in Tampa will work with you to ascertain how best to proceed. Contact us today at The Pawlowski//Mastrilli Law Group for help with your case.

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